Sunday, March 14, 2010

~Menu Plan Monday~ Craving Fresh Vegetables! *Sigh*!

If you have been following my blog for long, you know we eat mainly out of our pantry and homecanned foods! I enjoy doing this and it saves us a ton of money and trips to the store!=)
But, I miss fresh fruits and veggies! I have really been craving salad so we got stuff for tacos last week! YUM! Have some lettuce and tomato left to eat this week too!
We also got some bananas and strawberries! What a treat!
What I am really looking forward to is starting the garden and fresh greens from the garden!!!! Hope to start some seeds this week if the weather will let me!
Plan on doing a lot of baking in my wood cook stove! Want to make french bread, pita bread, banana bread, etc! May even make some brownies! I have been trying to cut back on sweets lately though. I found I can go thru a day without chocolate! Lol!

Don't Forget to Enter my Easter Giveaways while You are here!
"Prudence" Handmade Teddy Bear (perfect for the Easter basket!!)
For hundreds of blogs to surf and great menu plans and recipes to find, visit Organize Junkie.

Here is my tentative menu for this week! It is mainly the main dish/meat and I will add what canned veggies I have to the meal!

breakfast= rice
lunch=grill cheese sandwiches
supper=porkchops, salad and homefries
breakfast=breakfast "pizza" but made from biscuits, like THIS RECIPE
lunch=turkey pitas or sandwiches
supper= leftover porkchops
breakfast= cold cereal
lunch=salmon patties
breakfast=banana bread
lunch= leftover salmon
supper=leftover meatloaf
breakfast= Brunch Eggs on french bread
supper=turkey or chicken and dressing
supper= turkey or chicken and dressing
breakfast= probably brunch eggs again?
lunch=swiss burgers and salad
supper=leftover buffet

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