Friday, February 6, 2009

To Have and to Hold...My Husband, My Friend, My Love

Wow! I wrote this up for yesterday and did not get it uploaded! Sorry! Time gets away so fast! Didn't get to write anything for today. Maybe next week?

Gathering At the Well

Loving our Husbands.My Husband, My Friend, The Love of my Life!

My husband is my very best friend.
He became my best friend the day I made the commitment to love him with my whole heart and be his wife and helpmate. My love for him has only grown deeper. I cherish him more than any other human on this earth. He holds the keys to my heart! When I think of my love for him and his love for me, I am overjoyed! I want to spend every minute of everyday with him! Thankfully, I have been blessed to be able to spend almost everyday with him over the past, almost 5 years! God is Soo Good! Never have we been apart from one another for even one night!
I love to do things for him! I cook meals for him everyday, that are meals he enjoys. I like to make him treats for a surprise, or ask him what he would enjoy! I take pleasure in pleasing him!
I love to talk with him. I have learned so much from his amazingly vast amount of knowledge and wisdom! I have great respect for him and trust him more then anyone. I pray for him everyday and thank the Lord for him everyday! Not a day goes by that I do not say, "I Love You" at least 4 times! I like to make or buy him cards or little gifts! Sometimes I will even send him a cute e-card or write him notes if he is gone somewhere during the day. He loves to have his back rubbed and a good massage, so I try to give him one at least once a week. Even while I was pregnant, I kept that up!
I know my place in our family. I do not plan out everyone's day or run the show, or make decisions by myself! We do not function as two seperate people, we are one and that is how we are meant to be! I am incomplete without him.
My husband is more then just my best friend, he is the love of my life! My God-given husband and it is my High-calling from the Lord to love him! So, that is what I do, Joyfully, everyday!

My husband's lover,
In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful tribute to your husband. I can sense your duty and honor and love for your soulmate. What a beautiful heart you have. -blessings, Laurie
