Joining Heavenly Homemaker's November Gratituesday Challenge again this week! Yippee! There is just SOOO MUCH for God's Children to be grateful for!
After splitting firewood this afternoon, I will ramble a little about my growing up years!
I could complain about a ton, that is for sure! And I could go over all the things my parents did wrong in raising my siblings and I, but they did do some things right, and for that I am grateful!
I am glad that I grew up around animals, almost my whole life, we always had pets, and later, all the farm animals! A lot of great experience has come from that!
I learned how to garden, grow our own food, can food, make jelly, butcher animals and work the meat up, etc. I milked cows, hauled hay, harnessed mules, learned about trees and firewood, carpentry work, building barns, building houses, greenhouses, etc.
The list goes on and on, but the bottom line is, I was close to nature and for that I am Most grateful! I believe everyone should live close to nature and that children should experience living on a farm! It brings you close to reality and closer to your Creater!
Love your gratitude and yes...I'm a nightowl these days.