Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cold Season Herbal Tea

We got head colds right before Thanksgiving, so we took it easy for a few days and did not get out for Thanksgiving. =( Oh well, did not feel up to it anyway! Did manage to cook us a turkey and gressing and greenbean cassarole though!
I also made up some of my new tea to try! It was SOOO good! I think it is some of the best tasting herbal tea I have ever tried!
The tea is called "Cold Season Immune" and it is one of Dr. Christopher's formulas, of course! You can read about it Here, but I highly recommend buying THIS book, so you can make the tea yourself (and tons of other formulas, etc)! The book may be around $70, but it is really worth it!
The "Cold Season Immune" formula has
6 parts garlic,
1 part rosemary,
1 part parsley,
1 part watercress,
6 parts rosehips!
This tea is full of vitamin C! And is great for fighting infections.
I left out the garlic though, since I thought fresh garlic would be better to add as we drink it. I ended up not putting it in the tea I made the other day though, since I wanted the girls to drink it and knew they would not with garlic in it! =)
I hope you get a chance to make this tea and try it!
God bless!

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