Sunday, January 29, 2012

Rubbermaid Bento Set Giveaway Winner!

The winner for the Rubbermaid Bento set Giveaway is......

According to True Random Number Generator:

Min: 1

Max: 135

Result:  28

Comment #28
Trista Z said...
"-"Like" Preparing For Our Children's Future on facebook ( 3 entries) trista zollars 1"

Winner has confirmed.

Congratulations Trista!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Rubbermaid Bento Boxes & Toppers (Review & Giveaway)

*Giveaway Closed*

I don't know what I was expecting when I took up the offer to do a review for the Rubbermaid Bento Boxes and Toppers, but when the UPS man showed up with a huge box I was so surprised and excited!

These boxes are just amazing! They are sturdy, and so neat looking!
Most of time I dread thinking about having storage containers/organizers around the house, but not with these! I would actually show them off! Lol!
The boxes and toppers came in a set of 4 and they all fit neatly into the biggest box (the X-Large box).

(Pictured above).

Mine are in the Paprika color.

Below is how the X-Large Bento box looks with the Flex dividers open.
The dividers pop out very easy, and make your containers easy to organize on the inside!
Also, may be great if you are trying to keep things stored and don't want things jostled around or broken.
 I think these would make great storage boxes for Christmas and other holidays!

My house is small, so these have been a great find for me.
My husband has the smallest one on his desk. He uses the flex dividers in his and it holds his pens in one corner, business cards in another and other small items. Great for keeping the desk from so much clutter!

I use the Medium size box for my sewing supplies! It is great for holding my scissors, needles, thread spools, lace, etc.

I love how you can use the tops for lids or covers OR trays! So neat! I have most of the tops on mine flipped over so that they can hold stuff on top too.
The tops are just as sturdy as the boxes so are also great for carrying things on, using for a tv tray, etc!

As a homeschool mom, the Bento boxes have so many uses and are so handy! If I am doing things around the house, I can always carry one of the trays with me of things I am using or need, putting up items etc.
I use the Large Bento box, JUST for homeschool, right now. It is the perfect size to hold the notebooks, teacher books, student books, flashcards and books we are using at the moment. =) I love it! So handy and also can have it right where I need it. And as you can see, in the picture below, the top for it is being used for the youngest Princess's Kindergarten puppets. =)

You can see more pictures and read more about Rubbermaid's Bento boxes and toppers HERE on their website. And check out their other great products!

You can also browse more pictures at the Rubbermaid Flickr photostream,
videos at the Rubbermaid Youtube channel, and follow the Rubbermaid Blog HERE
Plus don't forget to follow Rubbermaid on Facebook and Twitter!

A Big thank you to the Great folks at Rubbermaid, for giving us the opportunity to try out their Bento Boxes and Toppers and for offering one of my blog readers their very own set of Bento Boxes and Toppers!

Mandatory Entry:

Visit Rubbermaid and tell me which Bento fabric design is your favorite and tell me how you would use your Bento boxes and toppers!

Mandatory entry must be done to enter giveaway!

Please leave your email address in your comment or have it visible on your profile.

Extra Entries After completing mandatory Entry:

-Follow Rubbermaid on Facebook and tell them "Our Children's Future" sent you! (1 entry)

-Follow Rubbermaid on twitter (1 entry)

-Purchase a Bento product from Rubbermaid during the time of this giveaway (10 entries per purchase)

-Follow my blog through GFC (1 entry)

-"Like" Preparing For Our Children's Future on facebook ( 3 entries)

-Follow me on Networked Blogs (1 entry)

-Follow me on twitter @ForTheirFuture (1 entry)

-Tweet this giveaway and leave me your tweet link (1 entry per day)

-Add my blog button to your sidebar and leave a link of where I can find it(3 entries)

-Write a blog post about this giveaway and leave the link to your post below (5 entries)

-Enter one of my other blog giveaways (1 entry per giveaway you enter)

That gives you 28+ chances to win! Have fun!

Please leave a comment per entry that you qualify for, for each entry to count!

This giveaway is open to the U.S. and Canada and Ends on January 27th at 12 am central. The winner will be chosen at random using

The prize will be sent directly from Rubbermaid to the winner.

For purposes of this review, I received a sample to review.
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.
The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Peppers Galore!

Wow, I am so behind on my blogging! REALLY starting to miss it! My computer is very messed up and locked up again on me for a while around the Holidays. That was a real bummer, but I did spend more time with my family! =)
Last summer, we bought some peppers plants to plant in our garden spot. They did sooo good this year! lol! We had peppers running out of our ears!
I had Never picked so many peppers at once! One day I picked a 5 gallon bucket of Just jalapeno peppers!
I pickled a lot of the jalapeno and some habanaro (sp?) peppers. Then I dried and dehydrated a ton of them. Ground some of the dehydrated ones up, put them in an seasoning shaker, and King Ed loves to put them on his soups, stew, chili, pizza etc. He loves hot peppers.

I loved the bell peppers of course! We had stuffed peppers, and used peppers for a lot of meals over the summer. I also dehydrated a bunch of the bell peppers. They seem to be keeping well in the fridge, but I need to vacuum pack some.
I was very surprised and happy with the quality of the peppers. Wish they had all been open-pollinated seed, but the bells were hybrid. =( Oh well, I am really going to aim at being a Better gardener this year! =)